Teaching History 184: Different lenses
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
02 Editorial (Read article for free)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Beyond myth and magic: Year 7 use oral traditions to make claims about the rise and fall of the Inka empire – Paula Worth (Read article)
22 They sometimes clashed, and ultimately blended: planning a more diverse and coherent Year 7 curriculum – Jacob Olivey (Read article)
32 What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the British Empire and the age of revolutions in the global South – Sujit Sivasundaram (Read article)
36 ‘It was both a different time and a different place.’ Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust – Stuart Farley (Read article)
50 What’s The Wisdom On... Extended writing (Read article)
58 Popes, processions, and the populus Romanus: What can rituals reveal about power in the medieval world? Teaching Year 7 pupils to apply interdisciplinary approaches – Dhwani Patel (Read article)
70 Power, authority and geography: medieval political history through the stories of powerful women – Elizabeth Carr (Read article)
82 Triumphs Show: Black Germany during the ‘golden twenties’: diversifying the curriculum at A-level – Maya Stiasny (Read article)
88 Move Me On: trainee is struggling to see beyond the tightly regimented teaching strategies adopted in their previous school (Read article)
92 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including What's the Wisdom on...?, What have historians been arguing about...?, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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