Materials for Beginning teachers
Early career secondary history teachers sometimes need an extra bit of support. The HA has produced specially developed resources to help those delivering support and those in need of it, so whether you are a programme co-ordinator, a school-based mentor or a beginning teacher yourself, these resources will be useful to support colleagues in the training year and the first years in post.
Building on the film series for beginning teachers, members can now find new sections on the website:
1. Structuring learning for beginning teachers is an update of the previous HITT (History Initial Teacher Training) materials. In this section you will find support to shape beginning teachers learning, work with adult learners, construct a programme, develop mentors, and assess progress.
2. Teaching for beginners draws together resources from across the HA and beyond. It is divided into three main sections:
- What is history in schools? has been developed so that beginning teachers can learn and think about the nature and purposes of history in the school classroom and get to know something of past and ongoing debates that surround the subject.
- The historical knowledge section introduces how knowledge is constructed and understood in the history classroom. It also introduces the framing and organisation of that knowledge, from the single lesson via historical enquiry to the history curriculum across the secondary key stages.
- The history classroom practice section introduces matters from historical literacy to assessment, and from SEND in the history classroom to learning beyond the lesson.
3. Beginning teachers’ professional learning provides ideas, resources and activities to support the professional learning of beginning history teachers from the first training year and through the first few years in a history post.
All of this is accompanied by a comprehensive supporting resources section.