A framework for success
The Historical Association Quality Mark (QM) is all about recognition of the excellent history provision you the teacher, your department and your school offer young people.
The Quality Mark provides a framework for success whether you are looking to gain the acknowledgement you deserve, or whether you are looking to improve your provision.
The QM framework provides a good analysis of the health of history in the school and pathways to development and improvement backed up by evidence and support. Schools have told us this is a really valuable process and acts as an immersive professional development programme helping schools and teachers to understand the rationale and aims behind their curricula, teaching and provision... Read more
Schools inspected under the 2019 Ofsted inspection framework may be subject to a deep dive. They will need to reflect upon and rationalise their curriculum design and choices. Subject teachers and leaders will need a developed sense of the quality of the history education that they are delivering at all levels, through the curriculum, resourcing and the expertise, enrichment and support of all staff teaching the subject. The Quality Mark provides an excellent preparation for this as our QM schools are telling us:
We have just had Ofsted under the new framework. History was chosen for 'deep dive.' The history QM was very useful as evidence was ready to hand and proved a certain level of teaching, leadership etc from an independent organisation. I have been recommending that the previous schools I have worked at join the QM scheme.
Not every school with quality history shouts loudly from the rooftops. The History Quality Mark has also proved an avenue for quietly effective schools to be recognised and celebrated.
In short, the History Quality Mark is professional development at its best. Carried out by a trusted body, the QM provides a framework for encouraging creative and critical thinking about history provision in the school, leading to a clear rationale for both the taught curriculum and future development of provision. It is also personalised in adapting a set of criteria to the particular context of the school. It is far more cost effective than any general training event and can provide a complete developmental health check for history in any school.
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In this section you will find full details about the programme and requirements, the benefits of becoming a QM school and how you can join the QM community: