BBC Film of Belfast Great Debate Heat 2011
Great Debate Belfast Heat
By HA and BBC Northern Ireland, published 24th April 2012

In Autumn 2011 BBC Northern Ireland interviewed the contestants from our Great Debate Belfast Heat.
Click on the links below to find out more about these students and why history matters to them!
Great Debate Belfast Heat 2011
- Alexandra Burnside from Carrickfergus Grammar
- Calvin Black from Sullivan Upper School
- Carla Mc Anoy from St Dominics
- Jill Luke from Sullivan Upper School
- Kieran Dolagahan from RBAI
- Lauren Mc Mahon from St Dominics
- Meghan Kelly from St Dominics
- Natalie Leathem from Carrickfergus Grammar
- Philip Morrison from RBAI
- Wilson Hill from Sullivan Upper School
- Stephen Purdy from Carrickfergus Grammar