World 1745-1901

Trade and the morality of some trade such as slavery are brought into question during this period. Included here are articles providing information about the world structures and the challenges they experienced in this period. Key individuals are explored such as Thomas Payne, and how their reach was British, European and Global. In other articles the encounters with China that are taking place in the 19th century are discussed.

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  • A Commercial Revolution


    The pattern of overseas trade is always in movement: new commodities are constantly appearing, old ones fading into unimportance, different trading partners coming to the fore-front. But between the latter end of the sixteenth and the second half of the eighteenth century, change took specially far reaching forms. In 1570...

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  • A-Level Essay: To what extent does the art of the Edo period of Japan reflect the contentment of the classes within its society?


    The Edo period in Japanese history fell between the years 1600 and 1867, beginning when Tokugawa Ieyatsu, a daimyo (samurai lord), became the strongest power in Japan, and ending with Tokugawa Keiki’s abdication. The Tokugawas claimed the hereditary title of Shogun, supreme governor of Japan. (The emperor had become a...

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  • Afghanistan in the 1950s - Films


    We are used to Afghanistan, and especially Helmand Province, being in the news recently. Afghanistan is seen as a source of conflict and terror. But here are some recently rediscovered films of the area in the 1950s that paint rather a different picture of the country - a picture of...

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  • Age of Revolutions Resources


    The Age of Revolutions is a period in history between c.1775-1848. Over the course of these years, society underwent a series of revolutions in almost all theatres of life: political, war, social and cultural, and economic and technological. Revolutionary ideas and revolutionary actions swept across the world, and historians still discuss and...

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  • American West Depth Study Podcasts


    In this series of podcasts Dave Martin examines the American West. What is the American West depth study actually about?What can we learn from the parallel lives of Custer and Crazy Horse?Who was with Custer at the Little Big Horn?Why did the Plains Indians lose the struggle for the Great...

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  • Attitudes to Liberty and Enslavement: the career of James Irving, a Liverpool slave ship surgeon and captain


    Prior to abolition in 1807, Britain was the world’s leading slave trading nation. Of an estimated six million individuals forcibly transported from Africa in the transatlantic slave trade in the eighteenth century, almost 2.5 million (40 per cent) were carried in British vessels.2 The contemporary attitudes and assumptions which underpinned...

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  • Bristol and the Slave Trade


    Captain Thomas Wyndham of Marshfield Park in Somerset was on voyage to Barbary where he sailed from Kingroad, near Bristol, with three ships full of goods and slaves thus beginning the association of African Trade and Bristol. In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Bristol was not a place of...

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  • Broadening and deepening narratives of Benin for Year 8


    Josh Garry describes his effort to refresh his approach to teaching the British transatlantic slave trade. Drawing on reading, lectures and discussions during an Historical Association Teacher Fellowship programme, Garry built a sequence of lessons designed to contextualise the trade while showing African agency and complexity. The result was a sequence...

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  • CARGO Classroom: digital resources for diverse histories

    17th March 2021

    To address the urgent need for digital learning resources, and to address the imbalance of perspectives in the History curriculum, CARGO Classroom is now providing multimedia learning tools for Key Stage 3 History via a freely accessible, interactive website: “CARGO is about doing. We talk a lot. We talk about...

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  • Combating a Cook-centric past through co-curricular learning


    Combating a Cook-centric past through co-curricular learning: Year 9 dig out maps and rulers to challenge generalisations about the Age of Discovery Paula Worth presents in this article a means of challenging students' tendency to generalise even when they know that they should not. How can we encourage our students...

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  • Cunning Plan 143: enquiries about the British empire


    I wanted to give my Year 8 students ownership of their work on the British Empire by allowing them to suggest our ‘enquiry question'. In order to introduce the Empire, I brought in sugar, spices, bananas, chilli peppers and cotton. I then showed maps demonstrating the Empire at its height....

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  • Cunning Plan 191: diving deep into ‘history from below’ with Year 8


    Can the ‘subaltern’ speak, Year 8s? When the Indian scholar and literary theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak asked this question in 1988, she wasn’t asking Year 8s on a Monday morning. What she wanted to explore was whether those marginalised people written out of the archive – ‘the subaltern’ – could...

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  • Cunning Plan 97: A-Level: International Relations 1890-1914


    'No war is inevitable until it starts.' Good quote. Not mine, but A.J.P. Taylor's. The outbreak of the First World War is a good way to test it! Did the statesmen of the day know the First World War was coming? Put another way, why was there no general European...

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  • Cunning Plan… for using the story of Eunice Foote to bring environmental history into the curriculum


    It was during a rainy Tuesday breaktime that I realised why I was so flippant about including environmental history in my curriculum. ‘The climate, you see,’  I said to my colleague Tamsin as I double-boiled the staffroom kettle, ‘can’t challenge you when you don’t include it.’ Kate Hawkey’s book History and the Climate...

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  • Decolonise, don’t diversify: enabling a paradigm shift in the KS3 history curriculum


    In this article, Dan Lyndon-Cohen makes the case that history departments should move from diversifying the curriculum to decolonising it. After reflecting on some examples of how he made the content of his lessons more representative, he explores how the influence of writers such as Michel-Rolph Trouillot and Emma Dabiri...

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  • Empires of Gold


    In 1660, the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa was established under the leadership of Charles II's brother James, the Duke of York. Founded as a slaving company, the Royal African Company, as it became known, also traded in gold. African gold was mined in the interior before being...

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  • From Sail to Steam


    From the time when primitive man first went adrift on a bundle of reeds or learnt to balance himself on a floating log, to the days where his descendants, no more than a few generations ago, raced scrambling aloft to trim the towering sails of a full-rigged ship, the skill...

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  • Historical thinking and art education in Canada’s era of societal reckoning


    Michael Pitblado and Agnieszka Chalas, history teacher and art teacher respectively, describe how and why they responded to a call by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to engage students with difficult aspects of Canada’s past, including the forced cultural assimilation of Indigenous peoples through the Indian Residential School System. Having reflected...

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  • How did changing conceptions of place lead to conflict in the American West? Reflecting on revision methods for GCSE


    Mary Woolley decided to make four revision sheets for her lower-band Year 11 set. Each was to help them view their American West study through a different lens. She was rather uncertain, however (and so were the pupils) about her fourth sheet on places. Her reflections on the revision sheet...

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  • Navigating the ‘imperial history wars’


    Concerned by the growing tendency of politicians and press to revive the moral balance-sheet approach to British imperial history and by some evidence of its resurgence in schools, Alex Benger set about devising a framework which would keep pupils’ analysis rigorously historical, rather than moral and politicised. In this article,...

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