The role and input of women is undeniably central to human existence and to the story of human society. They are generally 50% of the population but rarely the centre of a story; women have often been pushed to the side lines for historical content. The role of women through history and the pressures and behaviours that have pushed their input aside are all explored within this theme. Powerful, influential and significant female characters are explored in detail across the time periods, including queens, and campaigners, while the stories of ordinary women are also explored through themes such as social change, war and religion.
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Historical anniversaries calendar
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Tracing the popular memory of Rosa Parks with Year 9
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How representing women can convey a more complex narrative of the Russian Revolution to Year 9
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What Have Historians Been Arguing About... gender and sexuality
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‘Compressing and rendering’: using biography to teach big stories
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Recorded Webinar: Female slave-ownership in 18th and 19 century Britain
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Inclusive approaches to teaching Elizabeth I at GCSE
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Film: The ladies-in-waiting who served the six wives of Henry VIII
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Reimagining the ‘Aba Riots’
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Power, authority and geography
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Cunning Plan 183: Teaching a broader Britain, 1625–1714
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Census 2021: using the census in the history classroom
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Why does anyone do anything? Attempts to improve agentive explanations with Year 12
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Women and Gender in the French Wars
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How should women’s history be included at Key Stage 3?
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Polychronicon 174: Votes for Women
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Age of Revolutions Resources
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Women’s Suffrage: history and citizenship resources for schools
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Podcast Series: The Women's Movement
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'Victims of history': Challenging students’ perceptions of women in history
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