Marketing History

One aspect of administering history is marketing the subject, whether to students, parents, colleagues or senor leaders. Getting students, parents and senior leaders to understand the importance and relevance of studying history is not always immediate and it is the job of history departments to ensure that through their actions, including their own teaching, that they demonstrate the real value of the subject and its rightful place as part of a broad and balanced education.  In this section you will find resources to support departments effectively market history.  

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  • Employment, employability and history


    Employment, employability and history: helping students to see the connection Five years ago, in Teaching History 132, Harris and Haydn drew attention to the fact that while the vast majority of Key Stage 3 students claimed to enjoy history and even to regard it as a useful subject, relatively few...

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  • History and Journalism (1): Kristallnacht - How studying history can help with a career as an investigative journalist

    Multipage Article

    The aim of this enquiry is to show students that a history education teaches many of the skills that are vital if they want to pursue and career as a journalist.

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  • History and Journalism (2): Dunkirk - Writing 'the top line' for a news bulletin

    Multipage Article

    Context: This is aimed at Key Stage 3 students who are studying World War Two. They should know that Britain and France declared war on Germany in September 1939.

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  • History and Law: Lenin - How studying history can help with a career within the field of the law

    Multipage Article

    The aim of this enquiry is to show students that a history education teaches many of the skills that are vital for a number of roles within the field of the law - i.e. solicitors, barristers, judges, serving jury members and those called as witnesses. The notes below are a...

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  • How studying history can help with a career with a number of different jobs at a senior level.

    Multipage Article

    The aim of this enquiry is to show students that a history education teaches many of the skills that are vital if they want to pursue a career in various different fields at a senior level - indeed any that may involve the need to prioritise and problem-solve.

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  • How studying history can help with a range of careers involved in shaping the places we live.

    Multipage Article

    Town-planning, property development, leisure and heritage industries, archaeology and museum work. Context: This idea for a short series of lessons is aimed at year 7 students who are studying either a "Who do We think We are?" unit, or, more broadly, a unit on migration and settlement in Britain. It...

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  • Careers In History Pack Year 7


    Year 7 Careers in History Pack

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  • Careers in History Pack Year 8


    Year 8 Careers in History Pack

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  • Careers in History Pack Year 9



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  • Factors influencing pupil take-up of history post Key Stage 3: an exploratory enquiry


    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Last year, in Teaching History 132, Richard Harris and Terry Haydn shared their findings from a research project exploring children's views of school history. Here they report on further research, seeking to explain the wide...

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  • Making history meaningful: helping students see why history matters


    October 17 saw thousands of people writing a blog of a normal Tuesday as part of the ‘History Matters’ campaign. There was great media interest in the event and the papers were full of the blogs of the famous and not so famous; people were keen to write up their...

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  • Promote the past, celebrate the present: putting your history department in the news


    Dan Collins urges history teachers to promote both their subject and their department in the local press. Drawing on his experience of a history department in a large, mixed, multi-cultural comprehensive school in West London, Dan argues that there are many opportunities available, from national anniversaries to the success of...

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