Working with TAs

Regular and frequent communication is the key to working with TAs.  Both TA and history teacher have much to learn from each other. The TA will have insight into the way students with SEND learn and respond to teachers.  The history teacher will need to explain what they are trying to achieve in history lessons. Subject leaders need to ensure that all members of their department are communicating regularly and frequently with TAs, so that there is effective joint working to support individual learners.  In this section you will find helpful articles, guides and resources to enable your department to work effectively with TAs. 

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  • Promoting rigorous historical scholarship


    The history department at Cottenham Village College has one more member than you might expect. Ruth Brown is a teaching assistant (TA) and one of the longest-standing members of the department, and this article is about how her work has an impact on specific pupils, whole classes and teachers. The key...

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