HA Primary Survey: in important times, we need important points of view

HA primary history survey 2024

Published: 8th May 2024

Take part in our survey to add your voice to the future of history education

Without your voice, history education will be in the hands of those that shout the loudest. 

Education is something of which we all have first-hand experience, but it is ever-changing and evolving. That is why the Historical Association (HA) monitors the status of history education as an essential part of its remit. 

Launching the 2024 primary survey

We are pleased to launch our 2024 primary survey. This is part of our programme of biennial surveys that help to build up an accurate picture of the status of history in English primary schools. This year is an election year, making it an even more important moment for teachers across the country to have their say on matters affecting history education, so that the HA can accurately present to policy-makers. This means a true reflection of what is happening, and not a perceived view from people on the sidelines. 

Quick and easy to complete

You do not need to be a member to take part and it will take just 15–20 minutes to complete. Have your say now and make your voice heard: