Teaching History 176: Widening Vistas
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
02 Editorial (Read article)
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update: thinking beyond boundaries – Jason Todd (Read article for free)
10 Visions of America: using historical discourse to find narrative coherence in the GCSE period study – Alex Ford (Read article)
22 What’s The Wisdom On... evidences and sources (Read article)
26 Plugging the gaps: using narratives and big pictures to address the challenges of a 2-year Key Stage 3 curriculum – Natalie Kesterton (Read article)
36 ‘Meanwhile, elsewhere…’: harnessing the power of community to expand students’ historical horizons – Will Bailey-Watson and Richard Kennett (Read article)
44 Triumphs Show: Spicing it up: Using material culture as a means to generate an enquiry on the British Empire – Kathryn Elsdon and Hannah Howard (Read article)
48 Widening the early modern world to create a more connected Key Stage 3 curriculum – Kerry Apps (Read article)
58 Polychronicon: Peterloo, 1819–2019 – Robert Poole (Read article)
60 What did ‘class’ mean to a Chartist? Teaching Year 8 pupils to take seriously the ideas of ordinary people from the past – Jacob Olivey (Read article)
72 Move Me On (the problem page for history mentors): Jon Donovan is worried about how to deal with his own dyslexia in the classroom… (Read article)
76 Mummy, Mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including New, Novice or Nervous?, Polychronicon, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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