The Historian 133: Celebrating Asa Briggs
The magazine of the Historical Association

In this edition of The Historian
4 Reviews
5 Editorial
6 The Man from Keighley - Trevor James
10 Asa Briggs’s Birmingham - Roger Ward
12 Asa Briggs and labour history - Chris Wrigley
16 Asa Briggs: an appreciation - Stephen Yeo
21 The President’s Column
22 Asa Briggs and political history - Peter Catterall
26 Raising the bar - Hugh Gault
28 Asa Briggs and The Age of Improvement - Boyd Hilton
30 Two branch members...
31 Obituary
32 HA Conference
34 Is it a Maze or a Labyrinth?- Richard Stone and Trevor James
36 My Favourite History Place: York Watergate - Trevor James
37 Empress Matilda – ‘Lady of the English’ (1102-67) in ten tweets
38 HA Tours
39 News from 59a
40 William Coltman VC – the most decorated non combatant of the Great War - Edward Green
42 The eighteenth-century lying-in hospital and the unmarried mother - Marie Paterson
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