Teaching History 95: Learning to Think
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Who wants to fight? Who wants to flee? Teaching history from a ‘thinking skills’ perspective - Jon Nichol (Read article)
Note-making, knowledge-building and critical thinking are the same thing - Heidi le Cocq (Read article)
Exceptional performance at GCSE: What makes a starred A? - Angela Leonard (Read article)
Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of thinking skills - Peter Fisher (Read article)
Pride and delight: motivating pupils through poetic writing about the First World War - Gill Minikin (Read article)
The History Teacher’s Guide to the Internet - Suanne Gibson
Cunning Plan: Medicine through time - Dale Banham (Read article)
Move Me On: Trainee is becoming frustrated with A level (Read article)
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