Teaching History 93: History and ICT

The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

By HA, published 27th November 1998


Why Gerry likes history now: the power of the word processor - Ben Walsh (Read article)

History using information technology: past, present and future - Alaric Dickinson (Read article)

The Hopi is different from the Pawnee: using a datafile to explore pattern and diversity - Dave Martin (Read article)

Maps, ICT and History: A revolution in learning - Lez Smart (Read article)

Subject Exemplification of the Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for ICT: how the history examples were developed - David Linsell (Read article)

Move Me On: trainee is not making use of ICT to teach history in the classroom (Read article)

Super history teaching on the Superhighway: the Internet for beginners - Isobel Jenkins and Mike Turpin (Read article)

Cunning Plan: Study Unit 3: 'The Making of the United Kingdom 1500-1750' (Read article)

Review essay: Nicolas Kinloch reviews Michael Burleigh’s Ethics and Extermination

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