Teaching History 92: Explanation and Argument
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Getting ready for the Grand Prix: learning how to build a substantiated argument in Year 7 - Dale Banham (Read article)
Being ambitious with the causes of the First World War: interrogating inevitability - Gary Howells (Read article)
The ‘structured enquiry’ is not a contradiction in terms: focused teaching for independent learning - Michael Gorman (Read article)
Minimalist cause boxes for maximal learning: one approach to the Civil War in Year 8 - Ian Gibson and Susan McLelland (Read article)
‘A lot of guess work goes on’: Children’s understanding of historical accounts - Peter Lee (Read article)
Cunning Plan: A-Level European history: The Weimar Republic (Read article)
Move Me On: trainee is having problems teaching causation (Read article)
Knowing what counts in history: historical understanding and the non-specialist teacher - Douglas P Newton and Lynn D Newton (Read article)
Review Essay: What if... Andrew Wrenn reviews Virtual History, edited by Niall Ferguson
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