Teaching History 91: Evidence and Interpretation
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

In this edition of Teaching History
The uses of sources in History, The evidence sandwich, Teaching Pupils to analyse cartoons, shared stories and a sense of place, Working with sources, interpretations of history and much more...
The use of sources in History - Tony McAleavy (Read article)
The evidence sandwhich - Margaret Mulholland (Read article)
Teaching pupils to analyze cartoons - Joseph O'Neill (Read article)
Shared stories and a sense of place - Andrew Wrenn (Read article)
Working with sources - Jamie Byrom (Read article)
Interpretations of history - Ian Davies and Rob Williams (Read article)
Move Me On: trainee's work with historical sources lacks focus (Read article)
Cunning Plan for Study Unit 3: Britain 1750-1900.
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