Teaching History 96: Citizenship and Identity

The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

By HA, published 26th September 1999


Build it in, don’t bolt it on: history’s opportunity to support critical citizenship - Andrew Wrenn (Read article)

Weighing a century with a website: teaching Year 9 to be critical - Lindsey Rayner (Read article)

Democracy is not boring - Sean Lang (Read article)

Doomed Youth: Using theatre to support teaching about the First World War - Josh Brooman (Read article)

“...someone might become involved in a fascist group or something...”: pupils’ perceptions of history at the end of Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 - Paul Goalen (Read article)

Mentioning the War: does studying World War Two make any difference to pupils’ sense of British achievement and identity? - Paul Coman (Read article)

Cunning Plan: Teaching citizenship through KS3 history - Andrew Wrenn (Read article)

Move Me On: Struggling with language register - getting the pitch right (Read article)

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