Teaching History 102: Inspiration and Motivation

The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

By HA, published 26th March 2001

Inspiration and Motivation

Learning to love history: preparation of non-specialist primary school teachers to teach history, Finding voices in the past: exploring identity through the biography of a house, Getting pupils to track their own thinking and much more...

Why Gerry now likes evidential work - Phil Smith (Read article)

Teaching pupils how history works - Richard Cunningham (Read article)

Finding voices in the past: exploring identity through the biography of a house - Heather De Silva, Jenny Smith and Jason Tranter (Read article)

‘Let’s see what’s under the blue square...’: getting pupils to track their own thinking - Suzie Bunyan and Anna Marshall (Read article)

Learning to love history: preparation of non-specialist primary teachers to teach history - Rosie Turner-Bisset (Read article)

Triumphs Show: Communicating historical difference to children with literacy problems - Stephen Lawlor (Read article)

Move Me On: Securing progression in historical understanding (Read article)

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