History 326
The Journal of the Historical Association
Volume 97, Issue 326: April 2012
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1. Disraeli, Derby and the Suez Canal, 1875: Some Myths Reassessed (pages 182-203) - Geoffrey Hicks
2. Labour Identities of the Coalfield: The General Election of 1931 in County Durham (pages 204-229) Hester Barron
3. Living Up to Lenin: Leadership Culture and the Spanish Communist Party, 1920-1939 (pages 230-255) - Tim Rees
4. Politicians and History: The National Curriculum, National Identity and the Revival of the National Narrative (pages 256-271) - Nicola Sheldon
Shorter Article
1. Was the American Civil War the First Modern War? (pages 272-280) - A. D. Harvey
Review Article
1. The Blackwell History of Russia (pages 281-288) Christopher Read