History 328

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 97, Issue 328

Published: 26th October 2012


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Yugoslavia's Contested Past

1. Yugoslavia's Contested Past: A Special Issue (pages 537-539) - Cathie Carmichael


1. Commemorating a Disputed Past: Football Club and Supporters' Group War Memorials in the Former Yugoslavia (pages 540-577) - Richard Mills

2. Anti-fascism and Montenegrin Identity since 1990 (pages 578-590) - Nebojsa Cagorovic

3. Pannonia Imperilled: Why Danilo Kiš Still Matters (pages 591-608) - John K. Cox

4. On the Road to Modernity: Textile Workers and Post-socialist Transformations in Slovenia (pages 609-629) - Nina Vodopivec