History 337

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 99, Issue 337

Published: 26th October 2014


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Editorial - John Charmley

1. The Amherst Embassy and British Discoveries in China (pages 568-587) - Gao Hao

2. Toasting Fox: The Fox Dinners in Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1801-1825 (pages 588-606) - T. E. Orme

3. Eighteenth-Century Jamaica's Ambivalent Cosmopolitanism (pages 607-631) - James Robertson

4. Britain, Balkan Conflicts and the Evolving Conceptions of Militarism, 1875-1913 (pages 632-651) - Mika Suonpää

5. Britain's Crimean War Trophy Guns: The Case of Ludlow and the Marches (pages 652-669) - Roger Bartlett and Roy Payne