Teaching History 77
The HA's journal for history teachers

Communication in History
6 History, Autonomy and Education or History Helps Your Students Be Autonomous Five Ways (with apologies to PAL dog food) - Peter Lee
11 Theory and Practice Essay: The Use of Resources and Teaching Aids in the Teaching of History, with particular reference to Year Eight - Elizabeth Danks
16 Desperate Remedies - Inventive Resourcing for the History Classroom - Jo Lawrie
22 Something to Build On? Non-specialists' views of history among teacher education students - Keith Ayling
25 Communication in History - A process based approach to developing writing skills - Susheela Curtis
31 Responses to War: a short course taking an issues-led approach to 'The Era of the Second World War' - Quentin Deakin
35 Teaching History to Students Aged 13 to 14 in Japan and England - Martin Booth and Richard Matthews
39 Conference Report - Ian Dawson
44 Reviews
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