Teaching History 152: Pulling it all together
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Pulling it all together
02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 Catherine McCrory - How many people does it take to make an Essex man? Year 9 face up to historical difference (Read article)
20 Cunning Plan: placing visual sources at the heart of historical learning - Shaun Collins (Read article)
24 Rachel Foster and Sarah Gadd - Let's play Supermarket ‘Evidential' Sweep: developing students' awareness of the need to select evidence (Read article)
30 Polychronicon: The workhouse - Alannah Tomkins (Read article)
32 Mark Fowle and Ben Egelnick - A place for individual enquiry? Why we would miss controlled assessments in history (Read article)
42 Cunning Plan: Using Gillray cartoons to enable Year 8 pupils to understand 18th-century Britain (Read article)
45 Geoff Baker - Employment, employability and history: helping students to see the connection (Read article)
52 Marina Instone - Moving forwards while looking back: historical consciousness in sixth-form students (Read article)
61 New, Novice or Nervous? Describing progression in history (Read article)
64 Move Me On: worried about how to teach meaningful overviews (Read article)
68 Mummy, mummy...
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