The Historian 150: Aspects of Africa
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Reviews
5 Editorial (Read article for free)
6 The British Empire on trial – Gregory Gifford (Read article)
12 Zulu and the end of Empire – Nicolas Kinloch (Read article)
17 Legacies of the Cement Armada – Steven Pierce (Read article)
22 The Christian Kingdoms of Nubia and Ethiopia: neighbouring strangers? – Adam Simmons (Read article)
28 History Abridged: Language and the African continent (Read article)
30 What did it mean to be a city in early modern Germany? – Alexander Collin (Read article)
35 Reviews
36 The death of a hero: the injuries and the demise of Vice-Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson – Michael Crumplin (Read article)
42 Real Lives: Robert and Thomas Gayer-Anderson: moving lives – Wendy Barnes (Read article)
45 History in the News
48 The ‘workless workers’ and the Waterbury watch: W.T. Stead, W.A. Dunkerley and the Census of the Unemployed 1887 – Peter Hounsell (Read article)
54 My Favourite History Place: Castle Hill, Huddersfield – Alison Hramiak (Read article)
57 Out and About in Cairo – Nicolas Kinloch (Read article)
Regular features: Access all past editions of our regular features Real Lives, My Favourite History Place and Out & About
Cover image: Ortelius’ 1570 map of Africa, from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern atlas. The map was one of the first widely-disseminated, modernised maps of Africa and it became the standard map of the continent until well into the seventeenth century.
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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