Recorded webinar series: Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the UN Convention on Genocide

Genocide webinar series
9 December 2023 was the 75th anniversary of the passing of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (known as the UN Convention on Genocide). The convention was a clear statement by the international community that crimes of that nature should never happen again.
In those 75 intervening years the word ‘genocide’ has become far more well known while its specificity has sometimes become blurred. Therefore, 75 years on, we wanted to ask ‘what importance and significance does the UN Convention have and what does it mean for today?’
To ask these questions and to explore the importance of the UN Convention we arranged a mini webinar series, bringing together leading researchers and academics working in the field. You can now watch recordings of all five webinars via the links below.
While each of the talks cover issues and questions prompted by the anniversary of the Convention, they are not a series and each talk both complements the others while also standing alone.
The Historical Association is one of the very few organisations that has chosen to mark this anniversary and to analyse the historical significance of this pivotal piece of international legislation.
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- The creation of the UN Convention on Genocide (1948)
- The concept of genocide since 1945
- Never again
- How the Nazis used the term genocide
- How the Nuremberg Trials have, and have not, forged International Law
- Our Speakers