History on the Web
Online home of the journal History

Previous posts from History journal's blog
Current and new posts (from January 2024) will appear at History blog on the HA website.
Below are all the previous blog posts from Jan 2022–May 2023. The full archive from Oct 2019 is available here.
Crowns and controversies: the politics of King Charles III’s coronation (May 2023)
The Francoist appropriation of the popular festival (Feb 2023)
Co-Rulership and Power in Medieval Europe (Nov 2022)
Japan’s empire and the crushed hopes of the “colored races” of the world (1 Nov 2022)
Black History is not just for Black History Month! (26 Oct 2022)
Surprising lessons from the 1980s: Inspiration from Anti-Deportation Campaign activism (19 Oct 2022)
Reflections on Black History in Black History Month (14 Oct 2022)
Egyptian? or Nubian? Asking questions of objects (5 Oct 2022)
Interview with Adam Simmons on ‘Nubia, Ethiopia, and the Crusading world, 1095-1402 (Routledge, 2022’) (16 Sept 2022)
Finding transgender worlds in late medieval Iceland (5 Sept 2022)
The Zainichi: between two countries, two names, and two languages (15 August 2022)
The court chapel’s position in early modern Europe: a methodological approach (5 July 2022)
Desire Between Men in the Byzantine Imperial Court: Some Evidence from Symeon the Logothete, Letter Writer and Historiographer (17 June 2022)
The Cat in the Cradle: Conspiracy Theories and Credible News, 1688 - and Now (23 May 2022)
An 'alt-ac' career within the academy: working on Oxford's National Trust Partnership (7 May 2022)
Researching from a ducal residence: The tower apartment of Mary of Hamal at the Castle of Heverlee (12 May 2022)
Portraits of female power in Argentina: Encarnación Ezcurra and Eva Perón (4 May 2022)
Replacing Ireland's lost records: Doing public history with the Beyond 2022 project (25 April 2022)
Narratology for historical research: Medieval texts and Crusader cannibals (13 April 2022)
Reaching out to re-enactors and vice versa (15 March 2022)
Blurring the lines of the two kingdoms: Kirk and Council in Scotland, 1689-1708 (23 Feb 2022)
Toppling tyrants: Early medieval approaches to regime change (11 Feb 2022)
A Royal Bedroom: Gender, Class and Material Culture (14 Jan 2022)
A Sexual Tour of Venice: Mapping a Sixteenth Century Catalogue of Courtesans (5 Jan 2022)
Podcast series
‘New books’ and ‘Themes in History’
Series 1 is the ‘New Books' series, sharing interviews with historians about their new work, its relationship to other scholarship, and its intended impact both within – and beyond – academia. This is a podcast for absolutely anyone interested in how and why historians write what they do! Series 2 focuses on new areas of history, called ‘Themes in History’, and features discussions from public history to the crusades. Recent podcasts in this series include 'Pink Triangle Legacies', 'Medieval Jews', 'The Crusades' and 'Early Modern Sex and Sexuality'.