HA News, Autumn 2021
Welcome to the autumn 2021 edition of HA News magazine

Your membership magazine
In the autumn 2021 edition of HA News we have a number of articles looking at aspects of membership, including a history of HA membership (it's all gone a bit meta!), but we also have some stories that will appeal to all. There's a short history of Berlin to tie in with the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Wall being erected, plus an article on how small museums have connected with their communities during the pandemic. There's also an interview with Professor Rana Mitter, our most recent Medlicott recipient, and our usual updates from the HA education and membership teams, new Jubilee Fellowships, upcoming branch dates for your diary and more.
One of our larger features looks at the results of our 2020 membership survey, where we share some headline results and actions we intend to take going forward. We are always looking for ways to improve, and welome your thoughts on how we can do this.
We do hope you will enjoy this edition. If you have any deas for future HA activities and articles, please get in touch with us by emailing enquiries@history.org.uk.
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