A Victorian Election Warwick 1868

David Paterson

This pamphlet emerged from a thesis I wrote in the late 1970s about the Warwick Borough Parliamentary election of 1868. The theme was why a Parliamentary candidate of radical views chose to stand for election in Warwick rather than – for him - more promising constituencies. It remains one of the few publications in the series that focused on a town other than Coventry and includes an early section of what life was like in early 19th Century Warwick. My memories of researching over 40 years ago include looking at the original – and large – copies of the Warwick Advertiser in the Warwick County Record Office, they were not on microfilm then let alone digitised. Having said that I note the editor Trevor John recorded in his Editorial Note that, with the printing of this pamphlet, the series had ‘moved into the Computer age’ having been ‘set on a word processor of the University of Warwick’. A new era dawned.

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