History 367

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 105, Issue 367

Published: 30th October 2020

Special Issue: English Saints


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  1. Introduction: Remembering English Saints in 2020 (pp 559-566) – Louise J. Wilkinson, Paul Webster (Open Access)

  2. The Vita Bedae and the Craft of Hagiography (pp 567-587) – Richard Gameson, Fiona Gameson 

  3. Understanding and Illustrating the Influence of the Cult of St Chad of Lichfield (pp 588-602) – Ian Styler 

  4. Rome in Ripon: St Wilfrid's Inspiration and Legacy (pp 603-625) – Joyce Hill (Open Access)

  5. The Afterlife of St Osmund: From Bishop to Saint, and from Old to New Sarum (pp 626-635) – Tim Tatton‐Brown 

  6. The Cult of St Edmund, King and Martyr, and the Medieval Kings of England (pp 636-651) – Paul Webster (Open Access)

  7. St Thomas Becket and Medieval London (pp 652-672) – John Jenkins (Open Access)

  8. ‘Is Still Not the Blood of the Blessed Martyr Thomas Fully Avenged?’ Thomas Becket's Cult at Canterbury under Henry III and Edward I (pp 673-690) – Louise J. Wilkinson (Open Access)

  9. Bishop Cantilupe is Dead! Long Live St Thomas of Hereford! The Effects of St Thomas of Hereford's Miraculous Cult (pp 691-715) – Ian l. Bass (Open Access)

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