History 365

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 105, Issue 365

Published: 27th April 2020


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  1. The ‘Holy Days’ of Queen Elizabeth I (pp 201-228) – Natalie Mears, Philip Williamson (Free Access)

  2. The Making of Pombal: Speculation, Diplomacy and the Iberian Enlightenment, c .1714–1755 (pp 229-251) – Edward Jones Corredera

  3. Origins and Characteristics of Macro‐Nationalism: A Reflection on Pan‐Latinism's Emergence at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century (pp 252-267) – Amotz Giladi

  4. Britain's Biggest Wartime Stoppage: The Origins of the Engineering Strike of May 1917 (pp 268-290) – David Stevenson

  5. State of the Field: Digital History (pp 291-312) – C. Annemieke Romein, Max Kemman, Julie M. Birkholz, James Baker, Michel de Gruijter, Albert Meroño‐Peñuela, Thorsten Ries, Ruben Ros, Stefania Scagliola (Open Access)

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