History 351

The Journal of the Historical Association

Published: 31st July 2017


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  1. Disciplinary Ordinances for English Armies and Military Change, 1385–1513 (pages 361–385) - Andrew Martinez
  2. Saving Republics by Moving Republicans: Britain, Ireland and ‘New Geneva’ During the Age of Revolutions (pages 386–413) - Richard Whatmore
  3. The Religious ‘Persecutions’ in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and British Sympathy for Italian Nationalism, 1851–1853 (pages 414–431) - O. J. Wright
  4. Classical Sociology and the First World War: Weber, Durkheim, Simmel and Scheler in the Trenches (pages 432–449) - Vittorio Cotesta
  5. Revolutionary Fundraising and Global Networks: A Micro-Economic Approach to the Social Meaning of Money and Mobilization before the Second World War (pages 450–478) - Frank Wolff