History 345
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 101, Issue 345

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1. The Fate of Anglo-Saxon Saints after the Norman Conquest of England: St Æthelwold of Winchester as a Case Study (pages 183–200) - Rebecca Browett
2. Henry VIII: ‘Catholicism without the Pope?’ (pages 201–221) - G. W. Bernard
3. ‘We should dress us fairly for our end’: The Significance of the Clothing Worn at Elite Executions in England in the Long Sixteenth Century (pages 222–245) - Maria Hayward
4. ‘A Reformer's Wife ought to be an Heroine’: Gender, Family and English Radicals Imprisoned under the Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act of 1817 (pages 246–264) - Katrina Navickas
5. War without Terms: George Jackson, Black Power and the American Radical Prison Rights Movement, 1941–1971 (pages 265–286) - Zoe Colley