History 342

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 100, Issue 342

Published: 21st October 2015


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1. Introduction (pages 507–516) - Alexandra Walsham

2. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement (1967) (pages 517–534) - Peter Lake

3. Archbishop Grindal 1519–1583: The Struggle for a Reformed Church (1979) (pages 535–543) - Kenneth Fincham

4. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559-1625 (1982) (pages 544–558) - Alexandra Walsham

5. The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1988) (pages 559–572) - Peter Marshall

6. The Reformation (2003); or, Religious Change in Early Modern Europe from a Safe Distance (pages 573–583) - Mark Greengrass

7. Richard Bancroft and Anti-Puritanism (2012) (pages 584–598) - John Morrill

8. The Essays of Patrick Collinson: Or, Politics with the Religion Put Back (pages 599–608) - Ethan H. Shagan

9. ‘A mere historian’: Patrick Collinson and the Study of Literature (pages 609–625) - Paulina Kewes