History 329
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 98, Issue 329

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1. Kings and Lords in Tenth-Century Cornwall (pages 2-22) - Charles Insley
2. Regional Communities and Royal Authority in the Late Old English Kingdom: The Crisis of 1051-1052 Revisited (pages 23-40) - Ann Williams
3. Richard Guldeford's Pilgrimage: Piety and Cultural Change in Late Fifteenth- and Early Sixteenth-Century England (pages 41-78) - Rob Lutton
4. Sociable Sleeping in Early Modern England, 1660-1760 (pages 79-104) - Sasha Handley
5. Resignation of a First Sea Lord: Mountbatten and the 1956 Suez Crisis (pages 105-134) - Adrian Smith
6. Ethnic Cleansing, Ethical Smearing and Irish Historians (pages 135-144) - David Fitzpatrick