History 338
The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 99, Issue 338

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1. Drapery in Exile: Edward III, Colchester and the Flemings, 1351-1367 (pages 733-753) - Bart Lambert and Milan Pajic
2. The Speed and Efficiency of the Tudor South-West's Royal Post-Stage Service (pages 754-774) - Ian Cooper
3. Technologies of the Body: Polite Consumption and the Correction of Deformity in Eighteenth-Century England (pages 775-796) - David M. Turner and Alun Withey
4. The Chartist Legacy in the British World: Evidence from New Zealand's Southern Settlements, 1840s-1870s (pages 797-818) - John Griffiths and Vic Evans
5. Presenting the History of Africans in Provincial Britain: Norfolk as a Case Study (pages 819-838) - Richard C. Maguire
6. Constitutional Change in England and the Diffusion of Regulatory Initiative, 1660-1714 (pages 839-863) - William A. Pettigrew