History 378

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 107, Issue 378

Published: 31st December 2022


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  1. Prisoners, Sanctuary-Seekers, and Workers: Jews at the Tower of London, 1189–1290 (pp 815-835) – Rory Maclellan 

  2. Mercenaries, Migration and the Crew of the Mary Rose (pp 836-860) – Samantha Nelson, Catherine Fletcher (Open access)

  3. Political Charity: The 1642 Collection for the Relief of His Majesties Distressed Subjects in Ireland (pp 861-884) – John Walter (Open access)

  4. Transnational Solidarities and Competing Visions of Europe: Vienna's Vote on the Russo-Japanese War (pp 885-909) – Ulrich Brandenburg (Open access)

  5. The Genesis of the Cult of Trotsky in the Russian Civil War (pp 910-926) – Alexander V. Reznik

  6. British McCarthyism: The Anti-Communist Politics of Lord Vansittart and Sir Waldron Smithers (pp 927-948) – Matthew Gerth (Open access)

  7. State of the Field: The Modern History of Childhood (pp 949-964) – Laura Tisdall (Open access)

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