The Historian 122: French chivalry in twelfth-century Britain?

The magazine of the Historical Association

Published: 30th July 2014


5 Editorial

6 French chivalry in twelfth century Britain? - John Gillingham (Read Article)

11 The President's Column

12 D-Day Commemorations: the last big year to remember? - Paula Kitching and Jon Wort (Read Article)

19 Bayeux - Edward Towne (Read Article)

20 ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici!' A personal reflection on Julius Caesar and the conquest of Britain - Alf Wilkinson (Read Article)

22 The Centenary of the First World War: An unpopular view - Gary Sheffield (Read Article)

28 Not your typical soldier, not your typical service: Sir Francis Dent and the First World War - Christopher Phillips (Read Article)

32 News from 59a

33 ‘Guilty pleasures': moral panics over commercial entertainment since 1830 - John Springhall (Read Article)

38 Interpreting an early seventeenth-century cottage at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum - Danae Tankard (Read Article)

42 My Favourite History Place: Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres - Sarah Wright (Read Article)

43 D-Day in ten tweets Paula Kitching

44 Out and About: First World War memorials in the heart of London - Paula Kitching (Read Article)

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