The Historian 102: 'Catch me if you can'?

The magazine of the Historical Association

By HA, published 4th December 2009


5 Editorial

6 ‘The end of all existence is debarred me': Disraeli's depression 1826-30 - W. A. Spech (Read Article)

11 President's Column

12 Cartoons and the historian - Roy Douglas (Read Article)

19 Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century - A. D. Harvey (Read Article)

20 "Catch Me Who Can"? Richard Trevithick & George Stephenson: a twenty-first century reassessment - Robin Smith (Read Article)

28 A sense of occasion - Audrey Duggan (Read Article)

33 Out and about in the Trent Valley - Richard Stone (Read Article)

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