Why White Liberals Fail: United States politics in an election year

Historian feature

By Professor Anthony J. Badger and Paula Kitching, published 6th February 2024

An interview with Professor Anthony J. Badger

Paula Kitching interview with Professor Anthony J. Badger about his latest book.

2024 is an election year in the United States. For many in the UK and around the world the US political system can be confusing, with simple processes seemingly more complex than you would expect. It is not just the system that we do not always understand (and neither do some American citizens outside of their own state), it is the way in which the different political parties interact with their supporters in different parts of the country. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the different parties appear to mean different things to people in different states and from different walks of life. For those outside of the US it can be difficult to ascertain why race politics and what it does and does not mean to have freedom in the US can still play such important roles in some places and for the different political groups. A further complication is how party-political identity and identification in different geographical parts and states of the US change and represent regional identities...

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