Teaching History 162: Scales of Planning
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

02 Editorial
03 HA Secondary News
04 HA Update
08 From the history of maths to the history of greatness: towards worthwhile cross-curricular study through the refinement of a scheme of work - Harry Fletcher-Wood (Read article)
16 The whole point of the thing: how nominalisation might develop students’ written causal arguments - James Edward Carroll (Read article)
26 Cunning plan: Building useful knowledge at KS3 and transferring it to KS4 - Elizabeth Carr (Read article)
32 Greening the curriculum? History joins ‘the usual suspects’ in teaching climate change - Kate Hawkey, Jon James and Celia Tidmarsh (Read article)
42 New, Novice or Nervous? Thematic Study in the new GCSE (Read article)
44 Polychronicon: The May 1968 events in France - Daniel A. Gordon (Read article)
46 How one period casts shadows on another: exploring Year 8 encounters with multiple interpretations of the First World War - Dan Smith (Read article)
56 Move Me On: finding it hard to judge the reading to expect of students (Read article)
60 Mummy, mummy...
Regular features
Teaching History includes a number of regular features for history teachers including New, Novice or Nervous?, Polychronicon, Cunning Plan and Move Me On. You can access past editions of these here.
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