Teaching History 120: Diversity and Divisions
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Diversity and Divisions
05’Why can’t they just live together happily, Miss?’ Unravelling the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict at GCSE – Alison Stephen (Read article)
11 Breaking the 20 year rule: very modern history at GCSE – Chris Culpin (Read article)
15 Cunning Plan: Why was Berlin such a significant theatre of conflict after 1945? - Anna Hamilton, Tony McConnell (Read article)
16 Triumphs Show: Is music the answer to the Irish question in schools? (Read article)
18 Mussolini’s marriage and a game in the playground: using analogy to help pupils understand the past – Diana Laffin and Maggie Wilson (Read article)
25 A need to know: Islamic history and the school curriculum – Nicholas Kinloch (Read article)
32 ‘You hear about it for real in school.’ Avoiding, containing and risk-taking in the history classroom – Alison Kitson and Alan McCully (Read article)
38 Triumphs Show: Using role play to explain military history (Read article)
40 Innovation, inspiration and diversification: new approaches to history at Key Stage 3 – Jerome Freeman and Jane Weake (Read article)
44 Polychronicon: The past as analogy in popular music (Read article)
46 Uncovering the hidden histories: black and Asian people in the two world wars – Rupert Gaze (Read article)
54 Voices from Rwanda: when seeing is better than hearing – Martyn Beer (Read article)
58 Review Essay
60 Move Me On: Teaching citizenship (Read article)
65 Mummy, mummy...
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