Teaching History 117: Dealing with distance
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Dealing with distance
This edition deals with how to help pupils to notice in themselves those assumptions that are based on their own familiar world and which actually get in the way of making sense of past actions and belief. How one period visualises another, Ideas for developing chronological understanding, Modern day parallels in history and much more...
06 Seeing Double: How one Period Visualizes Another - Jane Card (Read article)
12 Triumphs show: Helping Year 9 think & feel their way through the origins of the Holocaust - Dave Woodcraft (Read article)
14 Time for Chronology: Ideas for Developing Chronological Understanding - Ian Dawson (Read article)
25 'I just wish we could go back in the past and find out what really happened': Progression in Understanding about Historical Accounts - Peter Lee and Dennis Shemilt (Read article)
32 Polychronicon: Douglas Haig - donkey or scapegoat? (Read article)
34 Seeing, Hearing, and Doing the Renaissance: Let's Have a Renaissance Party! - Maria Osowiecky (Read article)
40 Move Me On: trainee is having problems putting her ideas into practice (Read article)
44 Modern Day Parallels in History - Deborah Robbins (Read article)
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