Teaching History 50
By HA, published 2nd January 1988

History Teachers for the 1990s and Beyond
Editorial - Towards 100 2
News 6
History Teachers for the 1990s and Beyond - Helen Patrick 10
Survival or Training? - Martin Booth, Gwenifer Shawyer and Richard Brown 16
Jorvik: some School Children's Reactions - Jeffrey Watkin 21
Research Work in the Primary School - D. Joan Jones 27
'The History Man' Revisited - Michael Dickenson 30
DEBATE: SHP 11 to 14? - David Cheshire; Stewart Deuchar comments on Peter Lee's reviewof his History and GCSE; and Keith Jenkins and Peter Brickley What Sort of History for the Core? 35
REVIEW ARTICLE: Recent Work on European
Absolutism Jeremy Black 39
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