Primary History 48

The primary education journal of the Historical Association

By HA, published 30th June 2008

History, drama and the classroom

05 In my view: The serious business of comedy – Tony Robinson interviewed by Peter Vass

06 In my view: Means and Ends: History, Drama and Education for Life – Dorothy Heathcote (Read article)

08 History Coordinators’ Dilemmas: Drama, creativity, literacy and the curriculum – Tim Lomas

10 Think Bubble: Lighting fires – Peter Vass (Read article)

11 Working through drama – John Fines (Read article)

12 Drama: Choosing an approach – Ray Verrier (Read article)

13 Drama and History: a theory for learning – Peter Vass (Read article)

16 History through drama, a teachers’ guide – revisited – Viv Wilson and Jayne Woodhouse (Read article)

18 Case Study 1: Getting started with drama: From freeze frame to performance: The plague and the village of Eyam – Hugh Turner (Read article)

19 Case Study 2: How much drama, how much history? Unpicking the learning potential in creative approaches to studying World War II – Dani Compton (Read article)

22 Case Study 3: Researching history – time travellers and role players – Zara d’Archambaud (Read article)

25 Case Study 4: The dramas of history – Luke Abbott (Read article)

28 Case Study 5: Columbus: thinking about questions to ask a sailor who knew Columbus – Ray Verrier (Read article)

30 Case Study 6: Dramatising Boudicca and the Celts: a case study from the classroom – John Rainer and Pat Hoodless (Read article)

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