History 341

The Journal of the Historical Association

Published: 26th July 2015

Volume 100, Issue 341: July 2015


1. Arson, Treason and Plot: Britain, America and the Law, 1770-1777 (pages 374-391) - Gwenda Morgan and Peter Rushton

2. James VII's Multiconfessional Experiment and the Scottish Revolution of 1688-1690 (pages 354-373) - Alasdair Raffe

3. Diehard Conservatives and the Appeasement of Nazi Germany, 1935-1940 (pages 412-435) - N. C. Fleming

4. Enforcing Religious Repression in an Age of World Empires: Assessing the Global Reach of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions (pages 331-353) - François Soyer

5. Notes on Contributors (pages ii-iii)


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