The Historian 114: TV: modern father of history?

The magazine of the Historical Association

By HA, published 17th September 2012


5 Editorial

6 TV: modern father of history? - Bettany Hughes (Read Article)

11 The President's Column - Jackie Eales

12 My Favourite History Place: Mountfitchet Castle - Alf Wilkinson (Read Article)

13 Historical events or people in ten tweets - Paula Kitching

14 News from 59a

16 No longer "A Pole Apart": Antarctica 100 years on from Captain Scott - Peter J. Beck (Read Article)

22 The Maldon by-election of 1942 - Paul Rusiecki

27 Reviews

28 New universities of the sixties: One professor's recollections: glad confident morning and after - Donald Read (Read Article)

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