Primary History 32: Bristol and the Slave Trade
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

3 Editorial
4 Primary Noticeboard
6 In My View: Whatever happened to……? - Colin Richards (Read article)
9 History co-ordinators’ dilemmas - Jayne Woodhouse and Tim Lomas
11 Exploring the history on your doorstep with 4Learning - Dinah Starkey
14 Reading, recovering and re-visioning Victorian Women - Jane Martin (Read article)
17 Using Websites in Tudor Studies at KS2 - Rick Weights
18 Primary historians and Geographers learning from each other: making supportive cross-curricular links to enhance learning and teaching. When is a crosscurricular link a supportive one? - Fran Martin
22 Questions you have always wanted to ask about… Using historical maps in the primary classroom - Anna Disney and Peter Hammond (Read article)
24 Book for the Literacy Hour - Jo Barkham
26 Reviews - Hilary Claire, Ian Cawood and Helen Butcher
28 ‘History Howlers’: Amusing Anecdotes or Symptoms of the Difficulties Children have in the Retention and Ordering of Historical Knowledge? - Alan Hodkinson
32 Bristol and the Slave Trade: a virtual slavery trail for school children and their teachers - Madge Dresser
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