The Great Plague of London (KS1)
Published: 23rd January 2011

Samuel Pepys and the Great Plague of London
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This was originally part of a 7-week unit looking at the Great plague of London, the Great Fire of London, and Samuel Pepys as a famous person. Please note: these resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum.
Key questions:
- What was it like to be in London at the time of the Plague?
- What did people do?
- How do we know?
Great Plague Teachers Notes and Resources
See links at bottom of page
The aim was for children to:
- learn about and understand a past situation and enter into past lives
- understand the sequence of events during the Plague (chronology)
- read and understand challenging texts
- revisit and consolidate their understanding of the diary and instruction genres.
Teaching methods
- Storytelling
- Drama and role play
- Reading documents (exemplar)
- Learning about the past
- The Visual Image
See our guide to primary teaching methods
Related lessons:
Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London
Attached files:
- Great Plague Teachers Notes
29.1 KB PDF document - Great Plague Resources
209.7 KB PDF document