Recorded webinar: Avoiding confusion with chronology and change in primary history
Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history

Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history
Session 1: Avoiding confusion with chronology and change in primary history
This practical webinar will identify what confuses pupils in the teaching of chronology and the disciplinary concept of change and continuity and will show how such confusion and misconceptions can be avoided and challenged. Examples of careful planning and activities will be given so that pupils can develop an accurate and nuanced understanding of what they are being in taught, in line with National Curriculum rubric and current Ofsted expectations. The session will also refer to the improved pupil handling of original evidence.
This webinar took place in Summer 2024. The full webinar series is available to access on-demand from January 2025–January 2026.
This resource is FREE for Primary HA Members.
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