Is primary history thriving?

What the recent survey of primary history seems to be telling us
The 2022 Historical Association survey of primary schools drew a good response. The results have been evaluated. The full report has been published on the website but this article summarises the main findings and suggested strategies to take the subject further. Its findings help direct the resources of the HA. Overall it suggests a subject area that thrives in many schools but there is no evidence that it can rest on its laurels.
Since 2010 the Historical Association has been carrying out regular surveys to help build up an accurate picture of the state of history in primary schools. Until 2022, the most recent primary survey was in 2019. With primary membership representing the largest category of membership the results of any survey are of value not just in directing the strategy of the HA but also on providing extensive information to others such as policy makers. In reality this survey is likely to represent the largest gathering of up-to-date information about the subject in primary schools. Since the previous survey there have been many developments such as a new Ofsted framework, the growth of academies, the debate about diversity and decolonisation as well as the Covid pandemic. The 2022 survey was designed to assess the impact of such developments on the teaching of history in primary schools...
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