Film: Medlicott Lecture 2022 - David Olusoga

This talk was presented at the Historical Association Awards evening, 7 July 2022. The talk is by Professor David Olusoga on the evening that he received the HA Medlicott Medal for Outstanding contributions to History. It is not to be used for any purpose or publicly reported on without the permission of the Historical Association.
As is the custom, the recipient of the Medlicott medal provides the closing lecture of the HA’s annual awards evening. Professor Olusoga spoke elegantly and passionately about the way that history is politicised and how important it is that we are all able to know about and understand the diverse history of the societies we live in. He addressed issues of inclusion, diversity and ensuring that history is used to embrace an understanding of our collective pasts, warts and all, not simply used as a way to instil patriotism and idealised views of past societies.
Professor David Olusoga is a revered TV historian, a writer and a practising academic at Manchester University.
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